What is StormRing Fantasy Roleplaying Game?


StormRing RPG is a table top role-playing game using the QuestCore Engine rules. In this game you and your friends create adventures together in a fictional world. 

To play this game you just need one or more friends (three to five players usually work best) and a ten-sided die.  A few pieces of paper and some pencils are good to have too.

While QuestCore offers most of the rules you need to play, you might want additional background material and more rules for the specific game setting where you want your stories to take place.

Basic concepts of StormRing RPG

Players and the QuestMaster

One of the participants takes the role of QuestMaster (or Game Master) and the rest are players. Each player controls and assumes the role of a player character (abbreviated PCs). The QuestMaster (abbreviated QM) handles every other creature in the world – often called “non-player characters” (or NPCs). The QM also acts as a storyteller, world builder and referee. There are no winners or losers in a role-playing game – instead the QuestMaster and the players create a story together.

Time and scope in QuestCore

The imaginary world where the game takes place is often called “setting” or “campaign setting”. An example of a campaign setting is “StormRing”, a detailed fantasy setting published by the creator of QuestCore.

A game session (typically one evening or one day in real life) can be divided into scenes (such as a meeting at the local inn or searching through an abandoned factory). When the player characters face an important obstacle or challenge, a conflict might arise. A fight is a common type of conflict in many role-playing games. Conflicts in QuestCore have special rules and are divided into rounds and turns. During one round, every participant takes one turn. 

A series of game sessions (with the same player characters) often form an adventure. Several adventures might be connected to each other to form a “campaign”. Adventures and campaigns could be bought ready-made or made up by the QM. 


In this game you use a ten-sided die called d10. Sometimes six-sided dice, called d6, are used.

If you don’t have a ten-sided die you can roll a twenty-sided die and count results of 11-20 as 1-10. If you only have a six-sided die you can roll it twice – roll once and re-roll “6”. Roll a second die and add 5 to the first die roll if you roll 4-6. Otherwise just use the first roll.

Attributes and Abilities

In QuestCore’s rules, people and creatures are described using Attributes and Abilities.


Attributes are the basic abilities of a creature: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, Will, and Charisma.


Strength is a measure of raw muscular strength. This attribute is useful for lifting things and dealing damage.


Stamina determines how much physical damage a creature can withstand and is also a measure of endurance.


Agility determines how quickly a creature reacts and examples of use include dodging attacks and jumping.


Dexterity is a measure of eye-to-hand coordination and manual dexterity. Dexterity can be used for things such as trying to pick a lock or shooting arrows.


Intelligence includes memory and logical reason. It is used, for example, to learn languages or cast magic spells.


Will is willpower and mental strength. It’s also a measure of the ability to concentrate. Skills that rely on Will include Will resistance and Search.


Charisma determines how other people perceive you and your ability to convince people. It’s used when you try to bluff or hold a rallying speech etc.


Abilities are special powers that a character or other creature in the world might have.

Abilities can be skill proficiencies such as melee weapon training, special attacks such as stunning attack, racial abilities such as natural armour or flight, or mystical abilities such as a magic fireball spell or invisibility.

Abilities are listed in the Abilities chapter.


All creatures in the game have “levels”. The more levels the creature has the more experienced it is. A high level can also reflect the special innate abilities of a creature. A young, untrained and unskilled person might be level 0 while a master smith or high ranking officer might be level 5 or higher.

Player characters start at level 1 and gain Improvement Points (IPs) as the game progresses. For every three IPs they gain one level.



Creating a creature (by IP)


This chapter explain how a creature is created using the Improvement points system. This creation process ca be used to create non-player characters, player characters or other creatures in the world.

Improvement points

improvement points (abbreviated IP) are used to raise Attributes and Abilities. A first level creature has 20 IP to spend on attributes and abilities. A creature also gains 3 additional IP for each level above 1.

A creature can spend its IP whenever it gains IP or choose to save its IP for later use. Unspent IP can only be used the next time it gets IP.

Place attribute bonuses

Attribute bonuses start at 0. Every attribute bonus a creature raise above 0 costs IP equal to the attribute bonus times two. Every attribute bonus it decreases below 0 give 1 IP.

Minimum and maximum attribute bonus

Depending on the power level of the campaign the QM could decide a minimum and maximum attribute for player characters. If not specified, a level 1 normal player character have a minimum attribute bonus of -2 and a maximum bonus of 2.

What do the attribute bonuses mean?

-3                            Extremely low

-2                            Very low

-1                            Low

0                             Average

1                             High

2                             Very high

3                             Extremely high

4                             Superior

Skills with proficiency can be improved further with the Specialise ability. See the Specialise ability for more information.

Choose abilities

Each ability chosen cost 2 IP. The maximum number of abilities a creature can have is its level times two plus four (level x2+4). At first level you can pick a maximum of four Skill proficiencies. Every fourth ability picked must be a mundane skill (see the Skill description section in the Attribute check section).

The “Restricted abilities” are generally restricted to special creatures or non-human races.

As QuestCore can be set in many different worlds the QM often restricts which ones you may choose.

Starting money

(6 + Int + Cha + Will) x 20 standard coins.

These ”standard coins” might be, for example, ”gold pieces” in a fantasy world, ”galactic credits” in a science fiction setting or ”dollars” in modern day U.S. The QM has more information about this. See the QuestMaster chapter.

Choose or buy equipment

The QM chooses the equipment for the creature. A player can buy its starting equipment. Depending on the adventure setting, the characters have different equipment lists to choose from. The QM might also have restrictions on the starting equipment for his or her game.

Write down the equipment. Also note any equipment bonus and which skill is used for each.

Choose name, background and personality

You will also need a name for the character or creature and it may be good to write down the personality and background of as well.

When choosing background as part of creating a creature with IP, it does not gain any extra abilities or equipment.

You can write as much or as little as you wish.

Other information

Depending on the setting it might be good to write down things such as weight, height, gender and age, but for a normal sized creature these things have little or no actual effect on it in terms of the rules. Extreme variations are covered by picking Abilities (like giant sized creatures or very small creatures).

Attribute check

When you try to succeed doing a task you make an attribute check.

To make an attribute check you roll a d10 and add your attribute bonus and other modifiers that might apply. You must reach or surpass the difficulty class of the task. Check modifiers include attribute bonus, proficiency bonus and equipment bonus.

Difficulty class (DC)

To calculate the DC you take 6 modified by the defensive attribute bonus.

If there is no attribute, a simple task is DC 4, a normal task has a DC of 6 and a hard task is DC 8.

Effect level and damage

Sometimes when you make a check it’s important to measure the effect level of the attribute check. If you exceed the DC by 5 you reach effect level 2. If you exceed it by 10 you reach effect level 3 and so on.


The most common example of the use of effect levels is when determining damage. In this case, every effect level gives one point of damage.

Many different things can do different sorts of damage. A dagger can inflict bleeding wounds, some cleverly spread rumours can harm the managing director’s reputation.

Normally only Stamina, Will, and Charisma can be damaged. The QM might rule otherwise in some situations.

If you succeed with your damage roll you inflict 1 damage. Normally this is used in combat (when you attack someone with a weapon) but can be used in other situations as well.

Skill proficiency

While an Attribute check covers a broad range of tasks, you can be proficient with certain skills such as melee attack, crafting, mobility, knowledge, or perception.

When you try to do something and are proficient with a suitable skill you add +2 bonus to the Attribute check.

Skill Proficiency is gained by picking the Skill Proficiency ability. You can pick this ability once for each skill.

Fighting skills

Fighting skills are used when you attack (such as Attack Melee when you try to hit someone in close combat), or some other training used in combat (such as Resistance for enduring damage).

Mundane skills

Mundane skills are skills you use when you try to accomplish something that is not part of attacking or defending.

Advantage and disadvantage

When you make a check, some situations can give you an advantage and other situations can give you disadvantage. Advantage gives you +2 on the skill. Disadvantage gives you -2 on the skill.

You cannot have both advantage and disadvantage on a roll; advantage cancels disadvantage and vice versa.

Boon or Bane

The rolls of 3 and 7

When you roll 4 in a skill roll you get Bane. If you roll a 7 you gain a boon. You can get a boon even if you fail the skill roll and you can get a bane even in you succeed the skill roll.

You can also gain a boon in other ways, mainly by manoeuvring or using abilities in combat (see the Conflict chapter).

The boon lasts until the end of your next turn (or until you spend it, whichever comes first).

Effects of a boon

You can spend the boon to gain advantage on your next attribute check or defence. You can also, as an action, opt to spend the boon to reload an attack ability.

The player can decide on some other minor effect of the boon.

Effects of a bane

The bane give you disadvantage on your next skill roll or defence. You can spend an action to cancel the bane. The QuestMaster can decide some other minor effect of bane.

Skill descriptions

Fighting skills

Attack melee (Agi)

You can use weapons such as short sword and great axe to attack in melee. This skill also covers various natural weapons such as jaws (for beasts etc.) or fists (for humans etc.).

You must choose to specialise in a specific weapon category when using the Specialise ability. Even more specialised training (such as martial arts) might be covered by other special skills or abilities.

Attack ranged (Dex)

You can use different types of ranged weapons such as crossbows, guns, rifles and modern firearms. You are also trained to throw things with precision (such as daggers, javelins and grenade weapons). You must choose to specialise in a specific ranged weapon category when using the Specialise Ability.

Defence (Agi)

This is the skill you use when you avoid attacks. Commonly used as a passive defence. Defence is also the skill you use when you use the parry action in combat.

Melee damage (Str)

This is the skill that represents your ability to deal damage with most melee weapons.

Mental resistance (Will)

This skill is used to defend against various mental attacks. Often used as a passive defence.

Missile damage (Dex)

This is the skill that represents your ability to deal damage with most missile weapons.

Damage Resistance (Sta)

This skill represents your innate and trained ability to withstand (and ignore) physical violence. Used also when resisting poison or mystical attacks effecting Strength

, Stamina, Dexterity or Agility.

Throw damage (Str)

This is the skill that represents your ability to deal damage with most thrown weapons.

Will power (Will)

This is the skill you use when determining the damage you deal with spells and other kinds of mental attacks.

Mystic power (Will)

This is the skill you use when determining the damage you deal with mystic arts.

Mystic arts (Int)

This skill represents training and knowledge in the mystic arts (see the Mystic arts chapter).

If you are proficient with this skill you can use it to attack someone with supernatural powers (such as magic) in close combat. You can also learn various abilities to enhance the attacks or learn other mystic abilities (such as spells). Many mystic abilities require Specialisation in a mystic lore.

You must choose to specialise in a specific kind of mystic lore when using the Specialise ability.

This skill has no meaning or use in a non-magic world.

To use this skill to attack someone you must be proficient with it. 

Divine power (Will)

This is the skill you use when determining the damage you deal with divine lore.


Mundane skills

Concentration (Will)

This skill can be used when concentration is the key to success. You can always use concentration (DC 6) as a standard action to gain Boon (see Boon and Bane).

Craft (Int or Dex)

The craft skill represents your general skill and knowledge in all kinds of crafts. You must choose to specialise in a specific craft when using the Specialise Ability.

Examples of different crafts include metal smithing, carpentry, cooking, fishing, sewing, or painting. They also include such knowledge as first aid (stop a bleeding wound with a bandage) and wilderness survival (making a fire, collecting food and water, building a windbreak).

Use First Aid to heal wounds: it can be used on every wound once per day. The DC to heal a normal wound is 8. This skill can also stop bleeding.

Optional rule: Craft and bruises

If you use the bruise rules you reduce one wound to a bruise instead of healing.

Endurance (Sta)

This skill represents the training and endurance that lets you run or march for a longer time without tiring. It is also used to withstand thirst, hunger and bad weather. You can run for a number of minutes equal to double your skill level (minimum 1 minute).

Knowledge (Int)

This skill covers all kinds of knowledge. Depending on the game setting this covers different things, but usually everything that you can learn at, for example, a university.

In a fantasy world, this knowledge might include plants and animals, magic, history, geography and knowledge about various planes of existence (such as heaven and hell).

In a modern world (such as the 20th century), things included might be mathematics, medicine, history, biology, economics, and computer science.

You must choose to specialise in a specific field of knowledge when using the Specialise Ability. The QM might demand a Specialise ability for certain Knowledge checks.

Manipulation (Dex)

This skill is used whenever you try to manipulate mechanical devices: everything from locks, clocks and traps to drawbridges. Also used when you try to manipulate small objects unnoticed (e.g. pick pocket attempts and card tricks).

Pick lock: A simple lock is DC 8 and a normal lock is DC 12. It requires at least some simple instrument to use as a lock pick. Masterwork lock picks give a +1 bonus, but only if you are has proficiency with the Manipulation skill.

Often the successful use of this skill requires the Knowledge skill (especially for complicated technology).

Manoeuvrability (Agi)

Used to ride various mounts such as horses or giant lizards, as well as when you are riding a flying mount or magic broom or are otherwise manoeuvring in the air. Also used for high tech flying crafts but these may require additional skills as well.

When you drive a vehicle of some sort you also use this skill (can be cars (in a modern setting) or a wagon).

Control a mount in combat: DC 8.

Mobility (Agi)

Use this skill when you try to climb, jump far, swim, or when you need to keep your balance. Used as a defence for trip attacks and when you are, for example, trying to fight standing on a chair.

Jump: To determine how far you can jump: Roll a d10 and add your skill. This is how far you jump in feet.

Swim in water: DC 4 is required to stay afloat. To swim with half your movement speed is DC 6.

Personality (Cha)

A high score in this skill represents training and/or natural aptitude for making people or other creatures listen to you and be convinced that what you say is true. This skill can be used when you are trying to get the information you want. Also use this skill when you are trying to intimidate an opponent.

If used in a bigger settlement to gather general information, the skill generally takes about two hours (the QM might rule otherwise depending on the situation).

Acting out a role: Can be used when trying to act like someone else.

Handle animal: When you try to make an animal do what you wish. The skill is also used when training animals (such as teaching dogs different tricks or trying to break a horse). The amount of time and the DC vary greatly depending on what you are trying to do.

Perception (Will)

Used when you are trying to figure out when someone is lying. This skill is also used to detect hidden dangers in your surroundings or when you’re searching for something hidden.

Searching: Normally you search a limited area like a small room (about 10x10 feet). Each skill check takes about one minute. If you want to search a bigger area in one minute the DC increases by 2 for each 10x10 feet. A small item such as a coin is DC 8; a bigger thing such as a carefully concealed body is DC 6.

Stealth (Agi)

This skill is used when you are trying to be quiet and hide from sight. The DC is the passive perception of the creatures that might hear or see you. You must have some kind of cover or concealment to be able to hide (such as some furniture to hide behind, or dark shadows). If the creature that you are trying to hide from can see you (such as a creature seeing you stand in a dark alley prior to the stealth attempt) you have -5 on the roll.

Speak foreign language (Int)

This skill is actually one separate skill for every language you want to learn. DC 4 for simple conversations and DC 6 for more complex discussions. You cannot actually speak a language until you are proficient with the specific skill.

Damage and healing

Attribute score of -4 or lower

Normally the damage is inflicted to Stamina (or Will) and when Stamina (or Will) reaches -4 the creature falls unconscious and might die. After every round that a creature is left unattended, roll a normal attribute check (DC 6). On a failed roll the creature takes an additional point of damage. A creature that reaches -10 Stamina (or Will) dies immediately. A successful attribute roll of 10 or higher stabilizes the creature. A stabilized creature doesn’t have to roll attribute checks and will not automatically lose any more Stamina or Will.

If Charisma reaches -4 or lower that creature cannot use any Charisma-based skills or abilities.


In one day of rest a creature heals 1 point of damage. If the creature is not resting it heals at most 1 point every two days. See also the Craft skill.

Optional rule: Bruise

If you fail your damage roll by no more than 2, you have inflicted one Bruise. 3 bruises give 1 damage.



A conflict arises when one or more creatures are trying to defeat one or more other creatures. A common example of a conflict is a combat (mainly involving physical attacks). A conflict can be any situation that cannot be resolved by a simple skill roll; a fight, a competition or a diplomatic conflict. 

During a conflict the antagonists will do many things that are covered by other chapters in the rules. See mainly the Skill chapter, the Damage and effect chapter, and the Conditions chapter.

Decide who acts first

First, every participant in the conflict rolls Perception. The participants act in order from highest to lowest.

Actions, rounds and turns

Conflicts consist of rounds and on your turn you may perform up to two actions. You can do two of the same action (like two attacks or two moves) or a combination of actions.

During other participant’s turn in the conflict you can normally only use defensive actions and skills (such as Defence, Will defence and Resistance).


Until it’s your turn to act in the conflict, you are surprised and at a Disadvantage.

Actions in a conflict

Examples of actions

·   Attack

·   Move

·   Defend

·   Parry

·   Use an ability (unless part of another action)

·   Use a skill (unless part of another action)

·   Ready

·   Grapple

·   Stand up from prone

·   Aid

·   Reload ability

Physical attacks

In many games, attacking someone with a weapon or magic spell is the most common action in a conflict.

Most physical attacks are made with Melee attack skill, Ranged attack skill, or Mystic arts skill. Most physical attacks are countered with the Defence skill.

Attack modifications (physical attacks)

Target behind cover: -2 (When at least half the target is behind cover.)

Target behind heavy cover: -6 (such as the target looking through an arrow slit.) You can’t use a Boon with an attack on a creature behind heavy cover.

Disadvantage on defense

·   Be next to 2 or more armed enemies in close combat.

·   Blind

·   Dazed

·   Stunned

·   Paralyzed

·   Be next to an armed enemy when lying on the ground

·   Surprised

Disadvantage on Attacks

·   Attacking someone in melee with a ranged weapon


To attempt entering a grapple, a creature attacks using Attack melee skill vs. the opponent’s Defence. If the defender wins the defender gets a free attack. If the attacker wins, the contestants start to grapple. This initial grapple attempt does no damage.

When you deal damage with any grapple action, you normally use Melee damage skill.

Grapple skill and size

Depending on your size you gain different modifications on your check.  Tiny is -4, small is -2, large is +2, and huge is +4.

Actions when grappling

You can take different actions when grappling – the QM can improvise this or use the examples below. Most actions use the Attack melee skill vs. Attack melee skill.

Damage opponent

If you succeed you deal damage as usual.

Escape grapple

If you succeed you are no longer grappling your opponent.

Escape lock

The only physical action you can take when locked by the opponent. If successful you are no longer locked.

Grappling and using weapons

You can also make an attack using a light piercing weapon (a dagger for example) or unarmed attack. If you’re specialised in Attack gun you can use a pistol or revolver to attack.

Other actions in a conflict


If you use the defend action once you get advantage on Defence until the start of your next round.


Use the ready action to delay one specific action. You have to specify what will trigger your readied action.

Example of ready action: Mistlake is about to take an action and fire her laser gun. However she is waiting for an enemy to appear in a doorway. She uses the ready action and states that she will fire her gun on the first enemy that appears in the doorway.


Each time you use the move action you can move your Speed (usually 20 feet).

If you move through difficult terrain (a rough cave floor etc.), you can only move half your speed.

If you are lying down you can only crawl 5 feet every move.


If you move on even ground and in a straight line you can move at twice your speed.


You can aid another willing creature that is using a skill. The creature must be next to you. The bonus is half of your own skill (round down). One skill roll can recieve a maximum aid bonus of +3, no matter how many creatures aiding.


You can also use the parry action to make one attempt to parry an attack. If you get hit you can use your defence skill to parry. If you roll higher than the attackers’ attack roll you negate the attack. You must hold a melee weapon (or shield) to be able to parry.

Zone of control

When an enemy enters your zone of control (ZOC) he or she must stop. If the enemy doesn’t stop you get a free physical attack action on him or her at once. The normal ZOC for a normal human-sized creature is 5 feet in every direction.

Free actions

There are actions that take little or no time called “free actions”. You can perform a few of those (how many is up to the QM) without using up an action (see above).

Examples of free actions

·   Lie down

·   Speak a few sentences

·   Draw a weapon

·   Drop an item or a weapon

·   Sheathe a weapon

·   Reload a bow or crossbow

Free attack

Sometimes a creature gets a free attack. This attack does not count against the creature’s two actions each round. The free attack must be made immediately and can be made during another creature’s turn. You can make a maximum of free attacks during one round equal to your Dex bonus (minimum 1).



This chapter lists some weapons and armour but you will find more equipment, such as adventuring gear, in campaign settings (such as the StormRing fantasy setting).

Often equipment gives different bonuses to skills. A sword gives a bonus to the damage skill and a shield gives a bonus to defence skill.

To use advanced equipment you may need to be proficient with a specific skill or you must possess a specific ability.

Carrying capacity and encumbrance

Lifting capacity

Depending on your strength you can lift a certain weight from the ground and still be able to move slowly.

Table: Lifting capacity

Strength              Pounds                     Kg

-3                            20 lb.                         10 kg

-2                            80 lb.                         40 kg

-1                            140 lb.                      70 kg

0                             200 lb.                      100 kg

+1                           260 lb.                      130 kg

+2                           320 lb.                      160 kg

+3                           380 lb.                      190 kg

+4                           440 lb.                      220 kg

Formula: Lifting capacity

Str x 60 + 200 lb. (or Str x 30 + 100 kg)

Light armour

Light armour doesn’t give you any penalties.

Medium armour

If you wear medium armour you are encumbered. This may affect certain skills and manoeuvres such as swimming and climbing.

Heavy armour

If you wear heavy armour you are heavily encumbered. Heavily encumbered creatures get an Agi penalty of -1. You cannot swim wearing heavy armour (regardless of your strength).

Large shields

A large shield adds to the overall hindrance and changes unencumbered to encumbered and encumbered to heavily encumbered.

High strength

If you have more than Strength 0 you deduct one step from your encumbrance level (heavily encumbered to encumbered etc.).


Using weapons

Weapon categories

Weapon skills are divided into melee weapons and ranged weapons. You can also pick the Specialise ability to specialise into, for example, bladed weapons or unarmed attack.

Weapons are also divided into light, medium and heavy weapons.

Different weapons get different bonuses on the damage roll. Some special weapons may have special rules (such as shotguns and grenades).

One or two hands

Light weapons

Generally you can only use a light weapon in one hand if you have a strength bonus of -2 or better.

Medium weapons

You can only use a medium weapon in one hand if you have a strength of 0 or more.

Heavy weapons

You can only use a heavy weapon in two hands if you have a strength of +1 or more. If you are large size and have a strength of +3 or more you can use a heavy weapon in one hand.

Improvised weapons

The weapon statistics below are used for quality weapons designed to do harm (martial weapons). For improvised weapons (e.g. small kitchen knives and chairs) you use the stats of a similar martial weapon but at -2 attack and -2 damage. In some cases the QM might rule that an improvised weapon differs from this general rule.

Ranged weapon rules

All ranged weapons have a “range” that affects the chance to hit the target. Up to its range it has normal chance, -1 for double range, -2 for triple range etc. Normal maximum range is range x 6. If you’re attacking someone in close combat you get -2 on attack with ranged weapons. If you’re grappling you cannot use ranged weapons.


When grenades are thrown you use the Attack missile (grenades) skill for attack and the Missile damage skill for damage (not the Throw damage skill).

Optional rule: Automatic fire

By firing automatic fire of 3 rounds you get -1 to hit but you get 3 attacks. You cannot use any ability to gain more attacks using automatic fire.

Full automatic fire functions in a similar way. Roll 3 times at -2 but if you hit you double your damage. Full automatic fire wastes 9 bullets per burst.

Optional rule: Suppressing fire

By using automatic fire on a general area you can hinder people from entering that area. The area is normally 30 x 30 feet (but the QM can decide differently from case to case). People who enter the area can be hit by your bullets.

Roll an attack immediately when they enter the area at -3 attack. Each round of suppressing fire uses up 9 bullets.



Damage with different weapons

Weapon size

Light weapon: -1

Medium weapons: 0

Heavy weapons: +1


Weapon type

Unarmed: -1

Improvised: -1

Bladed weapons: +2

Hafted weapons: +2

Piercing weapons: +1

Blunt weapons: 0

Thrown weapons: 0

Missile weapons: +1

Power weapons: +1/power


Light bladed: +1 damage (short sword, ninjato)

Medium bladed: +2 damage (longsword, katana, sabre)


Light club: -1 damage (small club, cane)

Medium club: +0 damage (club, staff, nunchakos)


Medium hafted: +2 damage (hand axe, mace, morningstar, warhammer)

Heavy hafted: +3 damage (battle axe, great axe)


Heavy martial large: +3 damage (greatsword, great axe, halberd, and war maul)

Heavy simple large: +2 damage (great club, long spear, sledge)


Light piercing: -1 damage (dagger)

Medium piercing: +2 damage (short sword, short spear)


Light unarmed attack: -2 damage (hand)

Medium unarmed attack: -1 damage

(Knuckles, kick, gauntlet, hand (large size))

Hand (small size): -3 damage

Missile weapons

Light bow: +0 damage, range 50 ft. (short bow, hand crossbow)

Heavy bow: +2 damage, range 80 ft. (longbow, crossbow)


Light thrown: -1 damage, range 20 ft. (dagger, dart, shuriken, simple sling (range 30 ft.))

Medium thrown: +1 damage, range 40 ft. (javelin, throwing axe, martial sling)

Heavy thrown: +2 damage, range 10 ft. (big rock, thrown medium melee weapons). These generally count as improvised weapons. A big rock can only be dropped on a target (but could be thrown by a giant).


Power weapons

The power of a power weapon differs greatly between different ages.

Pre-modern armour


Light armour: +1 Resistance (leather armour)

Medium armour: +2 Resistance (chain mail)

Heavy armour: +3 Resistance (plate mail)


Small shield: +0 Defence, +1 parry, -1 damage (small round shield, steel buckler)

Large shield: +1 Defence, +2 parry, +0 damage (large round shield)



You cannot see.

You gain Disadvantage on all skills (exceptions include Perception (listen), Resistance, all damage skills).

You cannot Dodge (your defence is 3).

Also, some actions, like searching visually, reading or jumping over a gorge might be very hard or even impossible while blind.

If you succeed with your Perception (listen) skill (often versus the Stealth skill of an adjacent enemy) you may attack an enemy in melee combat.

Dazed, exhausted or confused

You gain Disadvantage on all skills except Resistance. You can only move at half your speed.


You cannot move your body in any way. You cannot Dodge (your defence is 3). You can hear but you cannot talk. You can take some mental actions such as using Knowledge skills and using Will resistance.


You cannot use Dodge to avoid melee attacks (your defence is 3).

You have a Disadvantage when attacking someone in melee combat (except versus a target you are grappling).


You can’t take any action. You cannot Dodge (your defence is 3). You gain Disadvantage on all skills except Resistance (but Defence will not get lower than 3).


You fall prone and can’t take any actions. You cannot Dodge (your Defence is 3). You are not aware of your surroundings. See also damage.

Mystic arts

Mystic, magic and spells

Mystic arts and mystic powers are often magic spells cast by a wizard. It could also be a psionic power or any other supernatural power (that is not covered by the other abilities). Mystic abilities are often called “Spells”.

You roll Mystic arts skill to hit with your spell. The skill used for defence is determined by the spell. Use Mystic power to determine damage.

Some forms of magic (such as divine miracles) may work differently.

Mystic lores

Mystic lores are specialised forms of magic. Examples include Fire lore or Mind lore. Many mystic abilities require specific mystic lores. See the Specialisation ability.

Elemental lores

The four elemental lores are sometimes treated differently. The Elemental lores are Air lore, Earth lore, Fire lore, and Water lore.

Divine lore

This specialisation in mystic lore is granted to some loyal followers of a divinity such as a god or goddess. Depending on the divine power the follower (or priest) gains access to certain Mystic spells. Information about clerics, religions and divine miracles can be found in campaign settings.

Damage with Mystic arts

Different kinds of mystic lore training functions in the same way as equipment/weapons and have different damage modifications. See the table below for damage modifications.

Damage modification for mystic skills

Skill                            Modification

No lore specified  -2 damage

Air lore                     -2 damage

Astral lore               -2 damage

Body lore                 -1 damage

Earth lore                -1 damage

Fire lore                   +1 damage

Force lore                +1 damage

Mind lore                +0 damage

Negative lore         +1 damage

Positive lore           -1 damage

Water lore              +0 damage

List of mystic lores

Air lore (Int)

Spells that attack with this force create strong winds and almost solid missiles of air.

Astral lore (Int)

This strange lore calls forth the dangerous purple energy of the astral world.

Body lore (Int)

This lore damages by destroying and warping flesh. Unless otherwise noted, Body lore spells only damages living creatures.

Earth lore (Int)

This element attacks using everything nature has to offer. Stones from the ground, violent nature spirits, etc.

Fire lore (Int)

This element attacks with burning fires.

Force lore (Int)

This magic damages by pure force, ripping flesh and other matter.

Mind lore (Int)

Mind lore spells attack the mind of the creature, damaging the will. Unless otherwise noted, Mind lore spells only damage Will.

Negative lore (Int)

This dark elemental energy destroys flesh and other matter upon touch.

Positive lore (Int)

Positive energy burns away flesh and other matter as if burned by white fire.

Water lore (Int)

This elemental force sends water and ice missiles towards the enemy.


Gaining abilities

At first level, you can use IPs to gain a maximum of three abilities. You can have a maximum number of abilities equal to your level plus 2. Instead of picking a new ability you can improve one you already have. Some abilities can be picked several times, where stated in the ability description.

The first time you pick an ability the effect is listed after the (Roman) number “I”. If you improve an existing ability once you can read the effect under “II” etc.

Attack abilities

Attack abilities (abilities labelled ”(attack)”) can be used once every 5 minutes unless otherwise noted.

Attack abilities can be reloaded by using an action and spending an Advantage (you can then use the Attack ability as if it has not been spent).

Normally you can only use a specific ability once per round. However, you can combine two different Attack abilities in one single attack.

Optional rule: Use any Attack ability

You can use any Attack ability freely but if you are not trained you get -3 on the attack and -1 on damage.

Mystic abilities

The Mystic arts skills are the basic skills used to hit targets and penetrate magic defences.

Mystic abilities (spells) are the mystic or magic tricks you have learnt.

Spell attack abilities

All spell attack abilities can be used once every 5 minutes.

Spell attack abilities can be reloaded by using an action and spending an advantage (you can then use the ability as if it had not been spent).

Up to two “Spell attack” abilities can be combined into one effect. You can only use one mystic lore in each attack. Normally you roll only once for attack and once for damage.

Open abilities descriptions

Attack abilities

Blinding strike (attack)

Use your Unarmed attack with this attack.

You try to blind your foe. If your attack roll using Unarmed attack hits and is higher than the opponents Res the target is blind until the start of your next turn.

Crippling attack (attack)

You aim carefully at a limb and try to disable it with an Unarmed attack. If your Unarmed attack hits and is higher than the opponent’s Resistance and you deal damage, the limb of your choice is unusable until the start of your next turn (weapons drop or move at half speed only).

Daze (attack)

Melee attacks only. Your attack can daze your target. Make an extra attack roll with your weapon skill versus Resistance. If you succeed, your opponent is dazed until the start of your next turn.

II: You stun the opponent instead of dazing.

Defensive stance (attack)

+2 Defence until start of your next turn.

Dirty fighting (attack)

You use all your dirty tricks trying to inflict maximum damage to your target. Roll Attack melee versus Perception. If successful the attack gets +3 on damage. You can only use this once per target each 5 minutes.

Fast attack (attack)

You get one bonus (extra) attack action directly after you use this attack ability. Your extra attack has a penalty of -1.

Fast footwork (attack)

You get +3 on Dodge when attacked by unarmed opponents until the start of your next turn.

Feint (attack)

You can try to use feint on your opponent so that the opponent loses his or her ability to Dodge this attack or your next attack (your choice). You must make the attack before the start of your next turn. Roll Personality versus Personality OR Manipulation versus Defence (attacker’s choice).

Ki attack (attack)

By drawing power from your inner force you deal extra damage with an unarmed attack.

I: +2 damage

II: +3 damage

Knockdown (attack)

Melee attacks only. If your attack hits you can knock your target down using force. Roll a d10 plus the damage dealt plus strength vs. Resistance or Mobility (defender’s choice). If you succeed the target is prone.

Manoeuvring attack (attack)

You can attack and move 10 feet or move 10 feet and then attack.

Paralyzing touch (attack)

Use your Unarmed attack with this attack.

You try to paralyze your foe. Roll for Unarmed attack against Resistance. If successful the target is paralyzed until the start of your next turn.

Parry stance (attack)

You can make a parry action once, as a free action, until your next round (without having to spend an actual action).

Power attack (attack)

You can make an extra powerful attack in combat.

You get a +2 bonus on damage.

Powerful charge (attack)

Melee attacks only. To use Powerful charge you move at least 20 feet in a straight line and then attack a creature in melee.

+3 on damage

Round kick (attack)

Use your Unarmed attack and attack with a kick.

You make a round kick which gives you extra damage and is difficult to dodge.

I: +1 on attack, +1 on damage

II: +2 on attack, +2 on damage

Running jump kick (attack)

Use your Unarmed attack and attack with a kick.

To use Running jump kick you must move at least 10 ft. in a straight line and then attack a creature in melee.

I: +2 on damage

II: +3 on damage

Sneaky attack (attack)

When you attack an enemy using Advantage, your attack gets a bonus on damage.

You get a +3 bonus on damage.

Stunning strike (attack)

Use your Unarmed attack and attack with a bare hand.

You can attempt to stun your target. If your attack roll using Unarmed attack is higher than the opponent’s Resistance the target is stunned until the start of your next turn.

-1 on attack

Sure strike (attack)

You make an attack that has greater success of hitting.

I: +2 attack

II: +4 attack

Sweeping attack (attack)

Melee attacks only. The attack you make affects two targets adjacent to you.

You get -2 on attack and -1 on damage.

II: You can attack three adjacent targets.

Tactical strike (attack)

You gain Advantage as a result of the attack (successful or not).

Trip (attack)

Melee attacks only. If your attack hits, you can trip your target. Roll an extra attack with your weapon against Resistance or Mobility (defender’s choice). If you succeed, the target is prone.

Two-weapon fighting (attack)

You can attack with two one-hand weapons at the same time; gaining one extra attack action with your second weapon.

-1 on attack

General abilities


You are trained in acrobatics and can tumble around. You roll two d10 for Mobility when doing acrobatics; then choose the best roll.

Animal friendship

You have befriended one animal. It is loyal to you as long as you treat it well. You can only communicate with the animal in the most basic ways. If you can somehow communicate (speak) with it you can give it more complex orders and the animal can also tell you things it knows about. This animal is otherwise a normal specimen. If it dies (or if you release it) you can get a new animal friend after 1 day. If you wilfully harm it you must wait 1 month to get a new animal friend.

I: You have befriended a small harmless animal.

II: You have befriended an animal of level 1 or lower.

III: You have befriended an animal of level 2 or lower.

IV: You have befriended an animal of level 3 or lower.

V: You have befriended animals of a total of 4 or fewer levels.

Animal communication

You can communicate with animals. This does not give you any power over animals or make the animals more intelligent.

I: Communicate with mammals.

II: Communicate with mammals and birds.

III: Communicate with mammals, birds, reptiles, insects and invertebrates.

Attack style master

You can use any one of your attack abilities once more every 5 minutes. You can pick this ability several times. This ability can be used on a different ability every time it is used.

Detect evil

You can detect the presence of evil creatures that are within 30 feet.

I: You can use detect evil once every 5 minutes.

II: You can use detect evil how often you like.


You have a familiar in your service. If you treat it badly it might flee. If you somehow lose your familiar you can get a new one after 1 week. The familiar is not a normal animal.

I: Your familiar is a harmless animal. It may be cute.

II: Your familiar is a level 1 (or lower) animal. You can speak with your familiar. The familiar only attacks if attacked.

III: Your familiar is a level 2 (or lower) animal. The animal is more intelligent than normal animals (it has Int -1). You can speak with your familiar and also communicate telepathically with it (up to 120 feet away). The familiar only attacks if attacked.

Great speed

You move faster.

I: Your speed increases by 5 ft.

II: Your speed increases by 10 ft.

III: Your speed increases by 15 ft.


You can use mystic energies to heal wounds (yours or others’).  You must touch the subject.

I: You can use Heal once per day. Every use heals one damage.

II: You can use Heal twice per day. Every use heals one damage.

III: You can use Heal three times per day. Every use heals one damage.

IV: You can use Heal three times per day. Every use heals two damage.

Holy aura

You are surrounded by a holy aura that brings comfort and strength of will to friends nearby.

I: Friends within 20 ft. receive a +1 bonus on their Will resistance.

II: Friends within 60 ft. receive a +2 bonus on their Will resistance.

Improved initiative

You get +2 on your Perception roll to see who acts first in the fight.

Improved sneak

You get +1 bonus on Stealth to move silently and hide.

Improved spell learning

You must be specialised in at least one Mystic lore.

I: Next level you gain two free Abilities (Spell).

II: Next level you gain two free Abilities (Spell) (in addition to those gained with Improved spell learning I).

Know your enemy

Once per 5 minutes you can predict the actions of a creature in combat. Roll Perception against Personality. This counts as an action. If successful, the opponent loses the ability to Dodge your attacks until the end of your next turn.

Lock opponent

Every time you make the bonus attack when someone moves in your ZOC you get a +3 bonus on attack and a +1 bonus on damage.


Once per day you can reroll one roll you’ve just made and add 2 to the new result.


Once per 5 minutes you can use one Spell attack ability again.

Martial arts

You have received special training in Unarmed fighting. Your Unarmed attacks deal more damage. To gain the attack bonus or damage bonus you must use your bare hand or bare foot to attack. You are no longer considered unarmed when defending or attacking (but still cannot use the parry action unless you carry a weapon). You can wear light non-magical garments such as thin gauntlets or light shoes/sandals and still use martial arts.

I: +2 damage.

II: +2 damage and +1 attack. You also gain an additional attack ability which states in the description that it can only be used with Unarmed attacks.


Once per day you can use an ability (Spell) once more. 


Once per day. You start to rage and don’t dodge attacks. You can’t use Dodge during the rage.

I: You rage for 2 rounds. +2 attack and +2 damage on all attacks.

II: You rage for 3 rounds. +2 attack and +2 damage on all attacks.


You start the game with 300 extra standard coins. You can only take this ability when you create the creature.


You specialise in two new Knowledge sub-skills. This ability can only be picked once.

Skill proficiency

You can be proficient with certain skills such as melee attack, crafting, mobility, knowledge, or perception.

When you try to do something and are proficient with a suitable skill you add +2 bonus to the Attribute check.

You can pick this ability once for each skill.


Once you gain proficiency with a skill you can pick this ability and get a bonus of +1 to the skill once every 5 minutes.

This ability can be picked several times; choose a new skill or sub-skill each time.

Some skills can only be specialised in (Attack melee, Attack ranged, Knowledge, Craft, and Mystic arts). See table below. Specialising gives a bonus to that sub-skill once every 5 minutes. The bonus is equal to the attribute bonus for that sub-skill (see table below). Specialising cannot give you less than 0 bonus even if you have a sub-skill that uses negative ability bonuses (a negative attribute bonus is only deducted in the basic skill).

The Specialise ability can be reloaded using an Boon (see “Boons and Banes” in the Skills chapter).

Attack melee (Agi)

Bladed (Agi)

Club (Agi)

Hafted (Str)

Large (Str)

Piercing (Dex)

Grapple (Str)

Unarmed (Agi)

Attack ranged (Dex)

Gun (Dex)

Bow (Dex)

Throw (Dex)

Grenades (Dex)

Knowledge (Int)

Arcana (Int)

Trade (Int)

History (Int)

Law (Int)

Mathematics (Int)

Medical (Int)

Nature (Int)

Physics (Int)

Profession (Will)

Literacy (Int)

Craft (Int)

Cloth- and leatherworking (Dex)

Cooking (Int)

Disguise (Int)

First aid (Int)

Metalcraft (Str)

Repair (Dex)

Survival (Int)

Woodcraft (Dex)

Mystic arts (Int)

Divine lore (Will)

Air lore (Int)

Astral lore (Int)

Body lore (Int)

Earth lore (Int)

Fire lore (Int)

Force lore (Int)

Mind lore (Int)

Negative lore (Int)

Positive lore (Int)

Water lore (Int)

Spell attack versatility (optional ability)

You can use any Spell attack ability, but at an additional -5 attack.


You don’t leave tracks in natural terrain.

I: You leave no visible tracks in natural terrain (can still be tracked by smell).

II: You leave no tracks in natural terrain (cannot be tracked).

Trap sense

You have a greater chance to spot traps. +2 on the Perception roll to search for traps.

Turn undead

You can use your will power to attack undead. You can damage undead, stop them or even scare them away.

Make a mental attack against an undead creature. Every point of damage inflicted also stuns the undead for one round. Range is 20 ft. You can use Turn undead in close combat with no penalties (the attack counts as a melee attack (but it can’t be dodged or parried)).

I: You can use Turn Undead twice per day against one undead.

II: You can use Turn Undead twice per 5 minutes against one undead. If you inflict more than 1 wound the undead also flees instead of getting stunned.

III: You can use Turn Undead twice per 5 minutes against one undead. If you inflict more than 1 wound the undead also flees instead of getting stunned. You get +2 bonus on damage.

IV: You can use Turn Undead once per round against one undead. If you inflict more than 1 wound the undead also flees instead of getting stunned. You get +2 bonus on damage.

Unarmed dodge

You have trained to dodge attacks when wearing no armour and when you’re not encumbered.

I: You get +1 on Defence vs. attacks

II: You get +2 on Defence vs. attacks

Unarmed parry

You can use your arms and hands (or other suitable appendages) to parry weapons.

I: You gain a +1 bonus on one parry action when you hold nothing in your hands. This can be used once per 5 minutes.

II: You gain a +1 bonus on your parry actions when you hold nothing in your hands.

Unholy aura

You are surrounded by an unholy aura that brings discomfort to enemies nearby. You can turn off this Ability as an action. You can turn this Ability on as a free action.

Enemies within 20 feet receive a -1 penalty to their will resistance.

Wand and staff creation

You can create a personal magic wand or a staff. You can only have one wand or one staff at a time. If you make more the old ones become useless. When you use this ability you charge the wand or staff with a spell ability you know.

The Wand costs 50 standard coins for every level of the spell. The Staff costs 100 standard coins for every level of the spell. The wand has 10 charges and the staff has no limit of uses. You can use the wand or the staff once per day. Crafting a staff or wand takes one full day during which the crafter can do nothing else except sleep and eat.

You get a +1 bonus on Will defence as long as you have the wand or staff in your hand.

I: You can make wands and staffs with max 2nd level.

II: You can make wands and staffs with max 3rd level.

III: You can make wands and staffs with max 3rd level. You can choose two spells that you can store in the wand or staff (you can still only use it once per day). If you craft a wand it gets 15 charges instead of 10 charges.

Restricted abilities descriptions


These abilities can only be used at the QM’s discretion. Examples include creatures made by the QM or when a player creates a special PC with special powers (with the permission of the QM).

General abilities


The colour of your skin changes to match the surroundings making you harder to spot. You have to be at least partly naked to use this effectively.

I: Your skin changes somewhat. +1 Defence and +2 Concentration to hide. You have to succeed with a Concentrate check once each round or you will turn visible.

II: Your skin changes somewhat. +1 Defence and +2 Concentration to hide.

II: Your skin changes to match the surroundings. +2 Defence and +4 Concentration to hide.


You can see better in darkness.

I: You see three times as far as normal in darkness (but nothing in complete darkness).

II: You can see as normal in darkness up to 60 feet away.

III: You can see as normal in darkness.


The creature has an evil soul and gains the Vulnerability (holy damage) ability.

The creature gains one extra ability.

Fear aura

You have an aura of fear.

I: Animals get scared in your vicinity. -1 on Will resistance. 60 feet radius and the animal has to see you. You can turn this ability on or off as an action.

II: All living creatures within 60 feet that are not immune to fear and see you get -1 on Will resistance. You can turn this ability on or off as an action.

Flying ability

You have some kind of physical ability to fly (wings etc.). You cannot hover in air (see Hover ability). Minimum speed is 20 ft. every round.

I: Fly at the speed of 20 ft.

II: Fly at the speed of 30 ft.

III: Fly at the speed of 60 ft.

IV: Fly at the speed of 120 ft.


The creature has a good soul and gains the Vulnerability (unholy Damage) ability.

The creature gains one extra ability.


If you have the ability to fly you can hover in the air (you do not have to move through air).

Immune to fear

You are not affected by fear attacks, fear abilities or fear effects of spells. You can still be affected by other effects that are part of the same attack (like damaged by a sword that also sends the target fleeing in fear). 


You have the ability to turn invisible. Your equipment does not turn invisible. You have to be naked to use this effectively.

I: You can turn translucent (but not fully invisible) for one round. If you don’t wear any equipment/clothes you get +1 Defence and +2 Stealth to hide. You have to succeed with a Concentrate check each round or you will turn visible.

II: You can turn invisible for 1 round. You have to succeed with a Concentrate check each round or you will turn visible.

III: You can turn invisible for 3 rounds. You have to succeed with a Concentrate check each round or you will turn visible.

IV: You can turn invisible for 1 minute. You have to succeed with a Concentrate check each round or you will turn visible.

V: You can turn invisible for as long as you wish. You don’t have to concentrate.

VI: You can turn invisible for as long as you wish. You don’t have to concentrate. Your equipment turns invisible as well.

Large size

This ability increases your size. This ability is usually picked when the creature is created.

I: You get a +1 bonus on stamina. Your agility decreases by 1. A creature with this ability is called a large creature.

Its ZOC increases by 5 feet.

II: You get a +1 bonus on strength and +1 bonus on stamina. Your agility decreases by 1.

Your ZOC increases by 5 feet.

A creature with this ability is called a huge creature.

Natural armour

You have some kind of natural armour.

I: Damage resistance +1

II: Damage resistance +2

III: Damage resistance +3

IV: Damage resistance +4

V: Damage resistance +5

VI: Damage resistance +6

Natural attack

You have one natural attack such as a claw attack or bite attack that does more damage than a regular unarmed attack.

I: Damage 0

II Damage +1

III Damage +2

IV Damage +3

V: Damage +4

Poisonous attacks

Each attack that damages the opponent using the poisoned limb/fang gets an extra damage roll using (only) the bonus below. The type of damage is specified when you take this ability.

I: -4 damage

II: -2 damage

III: +0 damage


You heal and regain stamina faster than normal.

I: You regain 1 stamina point every 10 minutes. If you die you cannot regenerate.

II: You regain 1 stamina point every minute. If you die you cannot regenerate.

III: You regain 1 stamina point every round. If your stamina is -4 or below you don’t die but fall unconscious (and keep regenerating). Damage taken by fire or acid can be regenerated at the rate of 1 per minute and you can die by this kind of damage. The QuestMaster may decide to exchange fire and acid to other kind of damage (such as silver or magic weapons).

IV: You regain stamina at the rate of 1 per round. You can only die under certain circumstances specified by the QuestMaster (such as exposed to sunlight or losing your head).

Sacred ground immunity

A creature with this ability can enter sacred grounds even if prohibited from doing so by another ability. If prohibited by more than one ability, the creature has to pick sacred grounds immunity once for each ability.


You can only move on ground at the speed of 5 feet per move action (normally 20 feet). You gain one extra ability.

Small size

This ability decreases your size permanently. This ability is usually picked when the creature is created. This ability is also suitable to pick when creating a human child.

I: You get -1 on strength and -1 on stamina.

You gain one extra ability. A creature with this ability is called a small creature

II: You get -1 on strength and -1 on stamina (in addition to Small size I). You gain +1 agility.

You gain two extra abilities.

A creature with this ability is called a tiny creature


The creature is undead, which gives it special powers and limitations.

The creature cannot go unconscious but is destroyed at -6 Stamina. Undead are immune to poison. The creature becomes Dazed on sacred grounds. The creature cannot be resurrected. The creature does not age and thus cannot die of old age. Undead gain the Vulnerability (positive lore) ability. The creature does not have to sleep, eat or breathe.


When hit by a specific kind of attack you take +3 damage. The type of attack/damage must be specified when you take this ability.

Examples of damage include: Fire, silver weapons, holy damage, and cold damage.

You gain one extra ability.

Mystic spell attack abilities

Attribute damage (Spell attack)

The damage you do also affects an attribute score.

Use Body lore or Mental lore to attack. If you use Body lore you can choose to damage Str, Sta, Agi, or Dex.

If you use Mental lore you can choose to damage Int, Will, Cha, or Dex.

I: +0 damage

II: +2 damage

Area (Spell attack)

Your spell affects an area.

I: Your spell affects everyone in a 10x10 feet square. Attack -2 and damage -3.

II: Your spell affects everyone in a 20x20 feet square. Attack -2 and damage -4.

Curse (Spell attack)

Use Negative lore to attack.

Choose one effect:

-1 attack

Ugly (-1 Charisma).

-1 Will defence

I: Effect active for 1 round

II: Effect active for 2 rounds

Daze (Spell attack)

Use Mental lore to attack.

Target is dazed.

I: Effect active for 1 round

II: Effect active for 2 rounds

II: Effect active for 3 rounds

Freeze (Spell attack)

Use Negative lore or Body lore to attack.

I: The target is dazed for 1 round.

II: The target is dazed for 2 rounds.

III: The target is paralyzed for 1 round then dazed for 1 round.

IV: The target is paralyzed for 1 round then dazed for 2 rounds.

Knockdown (Spell attack)

This ability does no damage on its own. Roll a free separate attack vs. Stamina or Mobility (defender’s choice). If it hits, the targeted creature is knocked prone.

Line attack (Spell attack)

Your spell affects everything in a straight line from your position. You cannot combine this ability with the Ranged spell ability or the Area ability.

I: 30 ft. long and 5 ft. wide. Attack -2 and damage -2.

II: 60 ft. long and 5 ft. wide. Attack -2 and damage -3.

Paralyze (Spell attack)

Use Body lore to attack.

I: Target paralyzed for 1 round. -2 attack.

II: Target paralyzed for 1 round. -1 attack.

III: Target paralyzed for 2 rounds. -1 attack.

Ranged spell (Spell attack)

You can use mystic arts to make a ranged mystic attack. You cannot combine this ability with the Line attack ability or the Area attack ability.

I: 30 ft. range. Once per round.

II: 60 ft. Once per action.

Mystic spell abilities

Astral step (Spell)

You take a step into the astral realm. You must be specialised in Astral lore. Use this ability once per 5 minutes.

I: You cannot enter the astral realm entirely; you step halfway into the astral realm. You are invisible until the start of your next turn.

II: You disappear from the real world. During the time you’re in the astral realm you can’t take any actions and you’re not aware of your surroundings. You bring your equipment and possessions with you.

You appear in the same spot at the start of your next turn.

Call elemental (Spell)

You can call an elemental from an elemental plane. Requires an elemental lore. Once per day.

I: Elemental force of level 1. Lasts 3 rounds.

II: Elemental force of level 2. Lasts 4 rounds.

III: Elemental force of level 3. Lasts 5 rounds.

IV: Elemental force of level 4. L Lasts 5 rounds. Twice per day.

Cantrips (Spell)

You’ve learnt a few minor spells. Effects last for one round unless otherwise noted. A cantrip can be used once per round unless otherwise noted. Most cantrips require a specific lore, so the more lores you have learnt the more cantrips you get.

Calm animal

One normal animal calms down and doesn’t attack for one round unless attacked. Requires Earth lore.

Conjure water

Conjures a small amount of water (1 dl). Requires Water lore.


Dark shadows fill a 20x20 feet area. Lasts for one round and dazes small animals. No other effect. Requires Negative lore.

Ghost sound

Strange sounds fill the area. Requires Mental or Air lore. Lasts for one round and scares small animals.

Light a fire

Lights a candle, a torch or a fireplace within 10 feet. Requires Fire lore.


You can conjure a small light that illuminates an area up to 30 feet away. If you have a magic staff or wand you can let the light come from the tip. Requires Positive lore or Fire lore. Once per 5 minutes. Lasts 5 minutes.

Wizards’ charm

You get +1 bonus on charisma for one round. Requires Positive or Mental lore.

Wizards’ mark

You can write a special magical mark that lasts for one week. You have the option to let it be seen only by another creature proficient with the Mystic arts.


You can send one word telepathically to another creature within 90 feet. Requires Mental lore.

Gust of wind

Conjures a gentle breeze. Extinguishes very small fires such as candles. Requires Air lore.

Magic hand

You can manipulate objects at a distance of up to 10 feet. Only minor objects (less than one pound) can be affected. Requires Force lore.


You can warm your body so that you do not freeze. Does not protect from magic cold in any way. Requires Fire lore or Body lore.


Causes a minor earthquake in an area of 20x20 feet. No affect other than to scare away small animals. Requires Earth lore.


You leave no tracks in natural terrain. Requires Earth lore. Use twice per day. Lasts 5 minutes.

Find north

You know which way north is. Requires Earth lore.

Feel magic

You feel if an object is magical or is affected by a mystic spell. One use of Feel magic takes 5 minutes of concentration. Use once per hour.

Control creature (Spell)

You can control the actions of another creature. Roll Mental lore vs. Will resistance. If the spell lasts for more than one round you roll each round to see if the victim resists. 

I: Once per day. Lasts 1 round. -2 attack.

II: Two times per day. Lasts 1 round.

III: Once per 5 min. Lasts until the victim resists but max 3 rounds.

IV: Once per 5 min. Lasts until the victim resists but max 10 rounds.

V: Once per 5 min. Lasts until the victim resists.

Detect mystic (Spell)

You can detect mystic forces and auras.

I: Once per 5 min. You detect the presence of mystic forces within 30 feet. You can also use this spell on one object; by touching it you know if it’s a magic item of not.

II: Once per round. You detect and locate all mystic auras within 30 feet.

Divination (Spell)

You can predict the future to some extent. Use once per round.

You must be specialised in Astral lore.

I: Predict what will happen the next round. This gives a +3 bonus to the next attack.

II: Predict what will happen the next 24 hours. Only vague predictions can be made. Several uses of this spell do not give more information.

Dispel mystic (Spell)

You dispel one mystic effect within 10 feet. If the mystic effect is permanent (such as a magic item or magic staff) you can only suppress the mystic effect for one round. The level of the spell must not be higher than your mystic lore skill bonus.

I: Use once per day.

II: Use once per 5 minutes.

Elemental weapon

You can give special qualities to a weapon. The effect depends on the elemental lore you use. The effect discharges the next time the weapon damages a creature. Once per 5 minutes. The effect lasts for up to 3 rounds.

Fire: +2 damage

Air: Dazes the target for one round.

Water: Blinds the target for one round.

Earth: Stuns the target for one round.

Fly (Spell)

You can fly.

I: Once per day. You fly slowly through the air. 10 ft/round. Lasts 2 rounds.

II: Twice per day. You fly through the air. 15 ft/round. Lasts 4 rounds.

III: Three times a day. You fly through the air. 20 ft/round. Lasts 5 minutes.

Greater bless (Spell)

Requires Positive lore.

I: Once per day. You must be adjacent to the target. Target gets +1 on attack and +1 on charisma. The effect lasts for 5 minutes.

II: Twice per day. 120 ft. range. Target gets +1 on attack and +1 on charisma. The effects last for one hour.

Greater curse (Spell)

Use Negative lore to attack. The target uses Will resistance to defend.

I: Once per day. You must be adjacent to the target. Target gets -2 on attack and -1 on Charisma. The effect lasts for 5 minutes.

II: Twice per day. 120 ft. range. Target gets -2 on attack and -1 on charisma. The effects last for one day.

III: Twice per day. 240 ft. range. Target gets -2 on attack and -1 on charisma. The effects last until cured by Dispel mystic or Greater bless.

Heal wounds (Spell)

Use Body lore to heal stamina or strength. Roll body lore:

0–20: heal 1 point of damage

21–40: heal 2 points of damage

41+: heal 3 points of damage

I: Once per day.

II: Twice per day.

III: Three times per day.

Heighten attribute (spell)

You can heighten an attribute score.

Use Body lore or Mental lore. If you use Body lore you can choose to heighten Str, Sta, Agi, or Dex. If you use Mental lore you can choose to heighten Int, Will, Cha, or Dex.

I: Once per 5 minutes. Raise attribute by 1. Lasts for one round.

II: Once per 5 minutes. Raise attribute by 2. Lasts for one round.

III: Once per 5 minutes. Raise attribute by 3. Lasts for one round.

IV: Once per 5 minutes. Raise attribute by 3. Lasts two rounds.

Magic fog (Spell)

You can create fog using the Water lore. Once per 5 minutes. Roll for Water lore: you fill an area equal to the square of your roll.

All creatures in the area are dazed as long as they remain in the area. Ranged attacks get a -3 penalty into or inside the fog. You are immune to your own spell.

I: 0 ft. range. Last for 2 rounds.

II: 30 ft. range. Last for 5 rounds.

III: 60 ft. range. Last for 1 minute.

Telekinesis (Spell)

You can move objects and creatures with the power of your mind. The effect cannot be resisted. Requires Force lore.

I: Once per 5 min. You can move objects as if you had a strength of 0. Range is 10 ft. Duration is 1 round.

II: Once per 5 min. You can move objects as if you had a strength of 1. Range is 20 ft. Duration is 2 rounds.

III: Once per 5 min. You can move objects as if you had a strength of 2. Range is 30 ft. Duration is 3 rounds.

Telepathy (Spell)

Requires Mind lore.

I: Once per day. The caster can read the mind of another creature. Duration: 5 rounds. Range: 90 ft.

II: Once per day. Read the mind of another creature and you may also send thoughts to that creature. Lasts 5 min. Range 120 ft.

III: Once per 5 min. Read the mind of another creature and you may also send thoughts to that creature. Lasts 5 minutes. Range: no limit.

Transform (Spell)

You can never gain any bonus Ability as part of this Ability (unless otherwise noted). Requires Body lore.

I: Once per day. You can change your own appearance somewhat. You cannot change height or weight. Equipment remains unchanged. Duration: 5 min. You must change into a race you have seen.

II: Once per day. You can change your form slightly. You can change height and weight +/- 50%.

Max +1 to Str and Agi. Duration is 30 minutes.

III: Twice per day. Change your form. Max +1 to Str, Sta and Agi. Duration: 30 minutes.

Can have wings and may breathe under water.

Can assume Large size (with further modifications). Can assume Small size (with further modifications).

IV: Three times per day. Change your form. Max +1 to Str and Sta and Agi. Duration: 30 minutes.

Can have wings and may breathe under water. Can have natural armour with Resistance +2.

Can assume Huge size (with further modifications). Can assume Tiny size (with further modifications).

QuestMaster section

Basic guidelines

Is this section you can find basic guidelines, suggestions, and rules for the QM. Please note that most of the rules and ideas are detailed (and possibly changed) in the campaign setting. Use them as a basis if you want to build your own world.

Experience points (XP)

As the characters defeat monsters and overcome obstacles they gain experience points (XP) and eventually they gain enough XP to advance a creature level.

XP to reach the level

XP                               Level

-10                              0

0                                  1

30                                2

80                                3

150                             4

240                             5

Formula: XP to reach the level

Level x level x 10 -10

XP value for defeating an obstacle

The XP is split between the party members.

Obstacle level        XP gained

0                                  4

1                                  12

2                                  20

3                                  28

4                                  36

5                                  44

Formula: XP defeating obstacle

Level x 8 + 4 (split between party members).

Optional rule: IP as Experience points

Instead of calculating experience points the characters are given IPs (Improvements Points). The characters gain one level for every 3 IPs. 

For every major part or milestone in a story they should get 1 IP. The characters will also get 1 IP for every five normal encounters.

Level 0 creatures

Level 0 creatures have only 7 IP.

They have only (3 + Int + Cha + Will) x 5 standard coins.


These ”standard coins” might be, for example, ”gold pieces” in a fantasy world, ”galactic credits” in a science fiction setting or ”dollars” in modern day U.S. The details of the monetary system of the game and the value of ”standard coins” are determined by the game world setting and the QM.

In comparison, a daily salary for a skilled worker is 1 standard coin.


Creatures and other encounters that the characters face might have money or equipment that the players can loot. As a general suggestion, monsters can have treasures equal to level x 100 standard coins. In a more heroic fantasy campaign this might be three or four times higher.


Equipment lists can be found in the campaign setting. Some basic stats for weapons and armour can be found in the Equipment chapter.


More information about travelling can be found in world-specific supplements. Below you can find some examples.

Travelling on foot

If you travel on a road or on plains you can travel 20 miles each day. Forest or hills (without roads) reduce this distance to half.

With the endurance skill you can travel faster and for a longer time. Use your roll to determine the extra distance travelled.

Table: Travel faster

Result                       Effect

6 or less                   You get one stamina damage.

Result of 7–8          You travel 7 miles extra.

Result of 9–10        You travel 14 miles extra.

11+                             You travel 20 miles extra.

You can reroll up to three times for a better result until you receive one stamina damage.

Travelling on horse

If you travel on a road or on plains you can travel 40 miles per day. Forest or hills (without roads) reduce this distance to half.

Travelling by boat

Generally a sailing ship travels about 100 miles every 24 hours.


Creatures that don’t have the Darkvision ability cannot see in total darkness. They are effectively Blind (see Conditions).


When you start your turn in deep water you must roll your Mobility skill if you want to stay afloat or swim. Less than 4: start to sink. Take 1 damage every 2 rounds. 4: float in the water. For each success level: move 5 feet per move action.

A creature under water that does not have the ability to breathe water can hold his or her breath for a number of rounds equal to his or her Endurance bonus. After this the creature has to roll an Endurance skill check every round with a cumulative penalty of -1.


If exposed to a fire, the fire will make an attack versus your Will defence. A small campfire has an attack strength of +0 while a magical fire elemental might have +4. A hit means that the object is set on fire. An object on fire normally takes one damage point every round. A creature can try to put out the flames with a special manoeuvre and rolls a Concentration skill check against the DC of the fire, usually 6.

Making money

A character can try to use a skill which he or she is proficient with to make money. Roll for a skill with which you can make money. The DC to earn money on a day-to-day basis is 10. If successful the character earns 1 standard coin. On a failed roll the character can only gather enough food to keep him or her alive. 

Game terms


Abilities are all the special features or training that a character or other creature in the world might have. Examples of abilities are Sweeping attack, Improved initiative, and Great speed. Abilities might also be mystical abilities such as the Fireball spell and racial abilities such as Darkvision.

Ability (attack)

An ability that can be used as part of an attack.

Ability (spell)

An ability that generally requires Mystic arts skill. These abilities are often learned and trained. They are often called “spells”, “magic spells” or “mystic abilities”.

Ability (Spell attack)

An ability that improves or changes an attack that is made with Mystic arts skill.


Short for autofire. “AF” in a weapon description means a weapon is capable of firing automatic fire. See Equipment.


Short for ammunition. Ranged weapons might specify the type and size of the magazine. “Am: B” means bullets. “Am: E” means energy packs.


Attributes are the basic attributes of a character such as Strength and Agility.


You cannot see. You cannot Dodge. You get Disadvantage using most skills depending on use. Exceptions include Perception (listen), Resistance, and all damage skills. If you do not succeed with your Perception skill (often versus Stealth (move silently)) you have to guess where your enemy is.


Normally a term used for more civilized creatures in the game that are not monsters or animals. A character controlled by a player is called player character (PC). Characters controlled by the QM are called non-player characters (NPCs).


A conflict arises when two or more creatures are trying to defeat other creatures. A common example of a conflict is a fight. Conflicts are divided into rounds and turns.


All things in the game that have attributes and skills. Most creatures also have abilities. Examples include characters, monsters, animals etc. All creatures in the game are defined by the same basics; attributes, skills and abilities.

Creature level

All creatures in the game have levels called “creature level” or just “level”. Player characters start at level 1. As the game advances they gain experience points and when they reach a certain number of experience points they gain an additional level.


You gain Disadvantage. You can only move at half your speed.


Short for difficulty class. This is the value you have to roll against to succeed in doing something that requires a skill check. DC 4 is often used for something that is easy to do. DC 6 is for something that is of normal difficulty.  DC 8 is required for actions that are hard to accomplish. Use DC6 if nothing else is specified.


All things that a creature can use or carry. Equipment often grants various skill bonuses. Weapons, for example, give a bonus to damage. A shield, on the other hand, grants a bonus to the Defence skill. Some types of armour slow you down.


Short for Improvement Points. Creatures use Improvement points to increase attributes, train skills, and gain abilities.


In most cases, level is the same as creature level (see above).


Magic is covered by the skill Mystic arts and the mystic abilities. “Magic” is often the same as “mystic” in the rules.

Mystic arts

Mystic arts and mystic powers can be magic spells cast by a wizard. It could also be a psionic power or any other supernatural power. “Mystic” is often the same as “magic” in the rules.


A non-player character; controlled by the QM.


You cannot move your body in any way. You cannot dodge. You can hear but you cannot talk. You can take some mental actions such as using knowledge skills and Mental resistance.


A player character. A character controlled by a player (as opposed to non-player character controlled by the QM).


You cannot use dodge to avoid attacks. You gain Disadvantage (except when firing a crossbow or firearm or against a target you are grappling).


Short for QuestCore (the name of this game).


Short for QuestMaster (see below).


The participant in the game who controls all creatures in the game except for the player characters. Can also be called Game Master.


The time during a conflict when every participant can take a turn (see below).


Skills are things you can learn and improve by training such as Attack melee and Manipulation.

Skill bonus

Your bonus on the roll when you use a skill.

Standard coins

“Standard coins” might be, for example, ”gold pieces” in a fantasy world, ”galactic credits” in a science fiction setting or ”dollars” in the modern United States.


You can’t take any action. You cannot Dodge. You can use only Resistance and Mental resistance. You gain Disadvantage. See Conditions.


The time during a conflict when the participant can take its actions. See also “Round” above.


You fall prone and cannot take any actions. You cannot Dodge. You are not aware of your surroundings. See also Damage and effect.


Zone of control.